Singer and songwriter Sarah Jane Rameau completed her album Lost Breed late last year and released the work this past spring. Catch this snippet of an interview I had with her, in which she discusses the obsession of creatives with perfectionism, her thoughts on vocal and mental health, as well as the importance of mentors.
Kreyolicious: One thing about creatives is that they sometimes tend to get obsessed. How do you know when a song is done?
Sarah Jane Rameau: Too early to say, but why not writing it out loud to the Universe via your blog? [Laughter] With my fellow Haitian artists, I would love to have a collaboration with the old and the new generation together. For example, imagine some Reginald Policard or Beethovah Obas on a Jael Auguste production… I also think about rappers on the scene now such as Princess Eud, Synedad, Wendyyy, Kalibr…for vocal collaboration, I am thinking about Mikaben, Riva Precil, Darline Desca, Nathalie Cerin, Cecile Mc Lorin Salvant or Alexa…These people have strong identities through their voices and I really admire that…They are vocally magical…So why not?! There are so many emerging talents in our Haitian community!! It’s amazing and makes me proud…As for international artists, I would like to pursue my production with Vax-1, the one who produced my single, Raindrop or Mark Ronson…And as [for] international artists, there are so many…But the closest to me would be the Belgium rapper Romeo Elvis, French artists such as Tairo…on the British scene: Jungle, Izzy Bizu, Asa…American scene: Snarky Puppy, PostModern Jukebox, Jhene Aiko, Justin Timberlake, Gaga. Just so many…
Kreyolicious: Music can take a toll on one’s well-being, especially when you’re so devoted to it. What measures do you take to care for your voice and your mental health?
Sarah Jane Rameau: For me, music is therapy. This album has been a container where I threw out all of my frustration encoutered during my stay. To remain sane, I first disconnect myself from everything and everyone that’s negative to me. I write a lot. I go to resourceful places. My favorite place to go are my mother’s hometown, La Vallée de Jacmel, where I enjoy the mountains and the beach down in Jacmel. I get inspired a lot by the beach…As I grow and get serious in my music, I need to practice my voice every day. I pay more attention to what I eat and drink. I’m trying to reduce my drinking and smoking habits…I am now trying to get back at my work out routine. Also, I am back in France now, so I’m back to my jazz-improv classes…
Kreyolicious: Would you advise those who are just beginning their recording careers to seek out mentors?
Sarah Jane Rameau: I always think it’s great to have a mentor. They’ve been knowing the field for years. They give you pointers, constructive criticism, instructions, help you broaden your cultural field in music and help you see many details that you, as young starter, you wouldn’t even think of. There’s a lot you can learn through them, and you also can also share your knowledge with them. They have a legacy to transmit and you to embrace and to incorporate. As for me, Reginald Policard is my mentor and I have learned a lot with him throughout this time. And I can only be grateful for everything he has taught me.
[Photos: Courtesy/via subject’s website]
CliCK HERE to buy Lost Breed on iTunes| CLICK HERE to buy Lost Breed on Amazon |
CLICK HERE to visit singer Sarah Jane Rameau’s website.