Have you seen a photo of model and motivational speaker/community leader Tico Armand? If you haven’t, you should really take a quick pause and log on to her Instagram, or something. Yeah, or something. The stately beauty is rather daring in her fashion style. Very kreyolicious. Ahem. Now…let’s take a look at the five times she looked kreyolicious and totally killed the fashion game, and downright outdid herself….
1. That time when she took us to the plains of the Serengheti, and we didn’t even have to pay a $1,508.23+ airplane ticket.
Obviously inspired by the Masai in Kenya, Tico wore the life out of the traditional costumes of these highly-influential tribe.
2. That time when she reminded us of our West African origins.
Arada, Wolof…Mandinka…Puehl…
3. That time she gave Queen Elizabeth a run for her money with that wedding dress.
You look at her in this dress…and all you can think of is the Elizabethan age…Tico style.
4. That time she wore her born-day suit.
This is a reminder to me…and all of us really that…well…It doesn’t matter how many pretty clothes we wear, we must be comfortable when all the clothes are stripped, and it’s just us and the mirror.
5. That time when she wore music…literally…
Wax on the body…literally. Vintage records made to look like a leather suit.
And then there was that time when she wore that safety pin outfit…and then there was the time when she wore the yellow Cleopatra dress…need I enumerate all the times she looked kreyolicious? I’ll be sitting here typing all day. Let it suffice to say, dear kreyolicious cheries, that these were the 5 times that Tico Armand looked kreyolicious and totally killed the fashion game.