She was known as Marie-Jeanne and served in the Haitian army in the Battle of Crête-à -Pierrot during the Haitian Revolution. The wife of a young mulatto soldier, Louis Daure Lamartinière, she fought in male uniform. Thomas Madiou said: “she was known to fight like a brown Jeanne d’Arc”.
Li te rele Marie-Jeanne epi li te sèvi nan lame ayisyen nan batay nan Crete-à -Pierrot pandan Revolisyon ayisyen an. Li te madanm yon jèn sòlda milat, yo te rele Louis Daure Lamartinière, li goumen nan inifòm gason. Thomas Madiou te di: “li te konnen pou l goumen tankou yon Jeanne d’Arc nwa.”
Source/Sous:Wikipedia,Thomas Madiou
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