Tuesday, December 31, 2024

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Ertha Pascal-Trouillot was the first female to be President of Haiti. She held o…


Ertha Pascal-Trouillot was the first female to be President of Haiti. She held office for 11 months, from March 13th 1990 and to February 7th 1991.

As a university student, she wanted to pursue a career in science but pursued it in law and politics, then became the country’s first woman lawyer. She was a judge in many federal courts from 1975 to 1988 before she finally became the first woman justice in the Supreme Court of Haiti. –
Mrs. Pascal-Trouillot became a lower-court judge in 1980 during the Duvalier dictatorship. While serving as Chief Justice she became the country’s provisional president on March 13, 1990, and was made responsible to organize a general election. It was to her credit that she could bring about violence-free elections which brought Jean Bertrand Aristide to the post of president with a 67% win.
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