On this day of March 29th 1818, Anne Alexandre Sabès, also known as Alexandre Pétion died. Pétion named the general Boyer as his successor; he took control in 1818 following the death of Pétion from yellow fever. After Henry I and his son died in 1820, Boyer reunited the country under his rule. Bolivar is celebrated in the Latin american countries for the help he provided to Simon Bolivar in freeing many latin american countries.(Source:Wikipedia / Picture credit: John Carter Brown Library, circa 1807-1818 / Bust by: Christian Oviedo)
Se te yon jou 29 Màs 1818 Anne Alexandre Sabès, dit Alexandre Pétion te mouri. Pétion te nonmen Boyer jeneral la kòm siksesè li; li te pran kontwòl nan lane 1818 apre lafyèv jòn te kòz lanmò li. Apre Wà Henry I te vinn mouri ak pitit gason li kèk jou apwe nan lane 1820, Boyer reyini peyi a anba rèy li. Yo sélébre Pétion nan anpil peyi panyol pou èd li te bay Simon Bolivar lè li tap chèche libére peyi panyol amedik di sid yo! (Soùs: Wikipedia / Kredi foto: John Carter Brown Library, circa 1807 / Stati: Christian Oviedo)
#haiti #hayti #ayiti #istwa1804 #istwa #1804 #alexandrepetion #alexandrepétion #petionville #petion #bolivar #simonbolivar #colombia #latinamerica #america #panamerica #sud #haitians #bogota #venezuela #yellowfever #hispaniola #haitianamerican #haitiancanadian #caribbean #african
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