Saturday, December 28, 2024

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In 1805 French troops were still posted on the eastern part of the island (mainl…


In 1805 French troops were still posted on the eastern part of the island (mainly in Santo Domingo) led by the French officer Marie-Louis Ferrand. He mobilized his troops and ordered them to seize all black children of both sexes below the age of 14 years to be sold as slaves. When Dessalines learned the news, he was outraged and decided to invade Santo Domingo, with his forces looting several towns, such as Azua and finally laying siege to the city of Santo Domingo, the stronghold of the French.

According to sources, General Henry Christophe (referred to as Enrique Cristóbal), under Dessalines, attacked the towns of Moca and Santiago. The barrister “Gaspar de Arredondo y Pichardo(1)” wrote, that 40 children had their throat cut. They finally retreated after their failed invasion attempt. –
The story continues and says that on 6 April 1805, General Christophe and his troops took all male prisoners to the local cemetery and slit their throats, along with 20 priests. Later he set the whole town on fire along with its 5 churches. On his way out he took along, fashioned like a herd, 249 women, 430 girls and 318 boys. Alejandro Llenas wrote that Christophe took 997 from Santiago alone, and “Monte Plata, San Pedro and Cotuí were reduced to ashes, and their residents either had their throats slit or were taken captives by the thousands, like farm animals, tied up and getting beaten on their way to Haiti.”

Many challenge the occurance of this event or its outcome, some even use it to justify the tension between some hispaniolans. We share the infos available to inform and so you can have discussions on it.

2.History of my departure from the Island of Santo Domingo on the 28th of April,1805.
3.Johnnenry Gonzalez Ph.D. (
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