Welcome to another episode of Kreyolicious Music…in which I review Haitian Music. Yay! Today, we’re going to be covering the Harmonik Degaje album. If you missed PART ONE of the review, CLICK HERE!
So, le’s move on to other songs…
Is “Simplicité” a female version of the band’s song “Diferan”? In the song “Diferan”, the guy was the “simple” one…in “Simplicité (Simplicity), the song is about a plain-Ti Marie-type of girl that’s caught the eye of the narrator. Her modesty is very attractive to him. He doesn’t exactly pin her down as an ugly duckling, but she definitely attracts him in a non-traditional way. The lyrics of this song are “simple”, as the arrangements and hook on “Incroyable” are incredible.
So, while I was listening to Degaje, it switched over to a new song. For the first two seconds I thought, “Man, what’s this song? It’s going to beat “Incroyable”, only to switch the windows and see that it was just “Incroyable” playing again!
I wonder if “Imparfait” and “Enpotans” were written at the same time? They certainly are of the same theme. The first distinction that I could make out is that “Imparfait” is looking back at a failed romance. In “Enpotans”, the relationship in question is still in progress, and can be salvaged. Yes, there’s still hope of saving it, if only it’s recognized (in time) that not enpotans is being given to the wounded party in the relationship.
Great job all around on this album from the vocal work to the arrangements, to the poetry-filled lyrics. First off, there’s a lot of proposal songs out there, but how novel to have the dad being addressed, as opposed to the bride. And how sweet of this would-be groom to pay respect to pops! One imagines that he’s not only going to be a worthy husband, but also a great son-in-law, the type who’ll take his papi-in-law to doctors’ visits and Medicare appointments during his senior citizen years. Very mature material on this album.
This concludes PART TWO of the review of Harmonik Degaje. CLICK HERE to read PART ONE.
CLICK HERE to purchase the Harmonik Degaje album from on Amazon | CLICK HERE to buy the Harmonik Degaje album on CDBABY| Remember to leave this band and other Haitian bands four stars or better on iTunes, Amazon, and CDBaby, as many music lovers and music enthusiasts looking to buy/try new music, look at these reviews before buying decisions!