Recognized as one of the most powerful fashion influencers in the fashion world, kreyolicious chick Rajni Lucienne Jacques exemplifies the Thomas Edison saying that there is no substitute for hard work. Like many leaders, she started out as an intern in her field, and worked her way to the upper echelons of the beauty and fashion world. What can we learn from Rajni’s career and her moves? Follow along as your favorite chick Kreyolicious deciphers the 5 success principles we can learn from this fashion influencer leader.
1. Work your gluteus maximus off. You never know who’s watching.
(And even when no one may be watching, at least you’ll have gained much-needed experience).
After earning a Bachelor’s of Science degree at Rutgers, Rajni joined urban media giant Vibe as a Fashion and Accessories Editor. This was not Rajni’s first rapport with Vibe. She had worked as an intern and assistant at the publication, and when the post opened up, they immediately thought of her. Why should they hire elsewhere when this proven intern had worked like a paid employee?
2. Sometimes you might outgrow the position you’re in. Don’t be afraid to go elsewhere.
This will take a great deal of courage. Vibe Magazine was like family to Rajni, having spent her late teen years there and the early part of her career there, and growing with the staff. But a new opportunity came calling in the form of a Fashion Features Editor at Nylon, and it was the next phase of the beauty editor’s career.
Photo Credit: by Krista Anna Lewis
3. Go hard for your career, but don’t neglect love.
Ever read those lists of the top regrets of the dying? They always emphasize family relationships. As a career woman, Rajni earned accolades after accolades and promotions and after promotions. But the high from promotions and climbing the career tree can only lasts for so long. This is where her soulmate and true love David Dowd came in, and their growing family. After a long day at the cubicle scheduling photo shoots, writing articles, starring at mobile device screens, and fielding phone calls, it’s nice to come home to your soothing and supportive man, who’s the love of your life.
4. Create, nurture your girl squad.
Many women have lost faith in female friendships. Rajni hasn’t. Most of the friends she has, have been in her life for ten years or more. Her friendships range from childhood friends to industry friends, whose friendship go beyond the parking lot at the office. For instance, Shiona Turini, a fellow fashion doyenne friend is a decade-plus-long comrade, and godmother to one of her kids. The time is ripe for women to stop seeing each other as potential rivals and just embrace true friendship.
5. Keep up with the key changes in your field.
Rajni has more than a decades’ worth of experience in the realm of fashion. She has been a first-hand witness of developments in technology and the influencer shift of the early 2010s. She has been an early adopter of Twitter and Instagram, and she joined the former while some fashion editors were still resisting the platform. Her having her pinky on the pulse of trends has led to posts at Glamour, Yahoo, Madewell, Racked, and now fashion and style bastion Hearst Digital.
There you have it kreyolicious cheries, the 5 SUCCESS PRINCIPLES WE CAN LEARN FROM RAJNI LUCIENNE JACQUES! Which of these principles do you most look forward to applying in your own life? Let me know!