As the owner of Mimi’s Fashion Boutiq, Mimi Mora has a solid reputation as a fashion visionary and entrepreneur, and the organizer of the very popular Mimi’s Boutiq Fashion Show. So, earlier this year, when she announced across her social media channels that she was holding a business brunch for women, tickets were purchased and downloaded faster than you can say the word tifi. The all-white brunch attracted a host of young professionals, fledgling entrepreneurs, and socialites.
Kreyolicious: What made you do this brunch?
I’ve had the idea written down for the past two years now. Since I didn’t do my yearly fashion show this year, and I happened to stumble across that same notebook I wrote the idea, I figured it was a sign for me to finally do it; and since March is Women’s Month, I figured why not? Great opportunity to gather a group of women together and empower each other.
Kreyolicious: Was the word “challenge” something you would use to describe how the brunch came together?
There’s always challenge in greatness. What I mean is that, whenever you decide to do something positive, you will always come across some challenges. To answer your question, it wasn’t as big of a challenge how the brunch came together because I always write down my plan but I did a few little challenges here and there.
Kreyolicious: What are some books you’d recommend to aspiring entrepreneurs?
I would highly recommend: Year of Yes by Shona Rhimes, I absolutely love this book, GirlBoss by Sophia Amoruso and Fervent by Priscilla Shirer.
[Photo Credit: Oli Photographie]
Kreyolicious: All attendees wore white. Was there some sort of symbolism behind this dress code?
No, no symbolism at all. I love white, and I love brunches, so I figured it would be a perfect combo. Besides, the color white is pure, it is considered to be the color of perfection. White also represents a successful beginning.
Kreyolicious: Have you ever thought of having a brunch like this in Haiti or a Mimi’s Fashion show there?
Oh, absolutely. I have thought about it for the fashion show mostly. I’m working on it. God willing it will happen soon…
[Above: Mimi Mora…Photo Credit: Cindy Lafalaise]
Kreyolicious: Entrepreneurship has been described as a roller-coaster. What do you do when things are upside down? And what do you do when they’re looking up?
I pray. It takes a lot to be an entrepreneur but prayer is my key to everything. I also try to keep a positive mindset in everything I do. Easier said than done but I try my best every time to do so when things are down.
When they are looking up, I pray even harder. The devil likes to attack you when things appear to be looking good so I stay prayed-up always. I also make sure I work harder to keep them good. Like you said, it’s a roller coaster. You can only work hard and do your best, and expect for the best to come out of what you do.
Kreyolicious: If you were starting your business this year, what would you do differently?
Start fresh which I did. New year, new start, same person though. What I mean by starting fresh is come up with new plans, new strategy to better myself and my business. My business can’t function well if the owner is not in a good place. I look back to the mistakes that I made, write things down and figure out what needs to be better this year. My goal is to make my brand known internationally.
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